Pennsylvania weather can be very unpredictable. One week it can be t-shirt and light jacket weather, the next week could be five inches of snow and blistering winds. These sudden changes in weather are more than just annoying, they can be damaging to your home.

Ice formations are bound to happen during the wintertime, especially now with the up and down weather.  It is important as a homeowner to be aware of the type of ice forming. The most common formation is the icicle.

Icicles can be the finishing touch to making your home look picturesque during the winter. However, icicles are a falling hazard and should be knocked down always in a safe manner.

Ice dams are another common ice formation.  Ice dams are a large hump of ice on top of your roof that forms around the edge of gutters. Ice dams can cause damage to your roof, gutters, and downspouts. They tend to form because of the natural heat of the home, which melts the ice underneath causing water to pool in areas. The water will eventually wear away at shingles, flashing and insulation. Eventually it can then make it into your home.

You can prevent ice dams from forming by checking your roof insulation. Be sure to seal all areas in your attic that may be releasing heat. Make sure living spaces are well insulated and the heat is not easily finding its way out.

By venting the area between the roof and the sheathing , hot air that is leaked will be carried away and not cause damage to the home. A Mihalko’s professional can easily examine the situation and explain what must be done for this method.

Mihalko’s Fire & Water urges you to stay diligent by monitoring the ice that forms on your house. If there are any issues that arise, contact our professional team and we will inspect the situation and determine the best possible solution.

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